The circular economy emerges as a new model of production and consumption that allows maintaining a balance between environmental care, people's well-being and economic development.

In the production of confectionery peanuts, peanut shell waste is generated. This same waste is then used as raw material to produce electricity and, in turn, the operation of this plant generates ash as waste with which we make ecological bricks that return to society in a positive way.

OC Circular Image




Peanut shells, a by-product of the food industry, have found a new purpose in the generation of electrical energy. Through a transformation process, this biomass becomes a renewable source of great potential.

With a production capacity of 10 megawatts per hour, it is estimated that it can supply approximately 18,000 homes per year, thus providing a significant contribution to energy supply. To sustain this output, 240 tons of peanut shells are required. With uninterrupted operation 24 hours a day, 330 days a year, this power plant provides a constant source of electricity to the National Interconnected System.

This integration into the national electricity grid not only encourages the diversification of energy sources, but also promotes sustainability and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. The transformation of peanut shells into electrical energy not only represents a technological innovation, but also an example of how natural resources can be efficiently harnessed to meet society's energy needs, while promoting the circular economy and reducing waste.

The brick plant project is already producing solid bricks of 12*25*8 cm composed of ashes from the burning of peanut shells. We have our own facilities that operate from Monday to Friday and a team of 2 people.

The equipment used is of Brazilian origin to homogenize the mixture of components and a press to mold the bricks. The entire system for formulating the mixture is of our own development.

Para garantizar un crecimiento sostenible en el tiempo, es necesario que la sociedad abandone los modelos económicos lineales basados en “extraer-fabricar-desechar” y los sustituya por modelos en los que los principios de la economía circular estén presentes, donde las materias se aprovechen al máximo posible, y se reintroduzcan en los procesos productivos.


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In OC bio We have this certification, committed to environmental protection and sustainability.


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Central and plant administration 54 - 358-4933500

ventasexpo@prodeman.com.ar National Route No. 158 Km 230 ½ General Cabrera - Córdoba Argentina - X5809AHP


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