

In the rich and fertile lands of General Cabrera, province of Córdoba, the Cavigliasso family has grown from its humble beginnings to become a beacon of agricultural innovation. Starting with the pioneering journey of Miguel Cavigliasso from Italy in 1888, the family has evolved through years of dedication to the land, transforming from traditional livestock farming to a renowned producer of peanuts and other crops such as soybeans, wheat, and corn. Rooted in community values and a resilient spirit, the establishment embodies excellence and sustainability. The Cavigliasso family continues to build on its legacy of hard work and innovation, perfectly combining traditional values with modern techniques, pushing the boundaries of agricultural innovation.

The Cavigliasso family


Quality seeds: The selection of high-quality seeds adapted to the geographical and climatic conditions of the region allows for excellent yields.
Soil Health: Crop rotation, contour lines and periodic soil analysis allow for the optimization of organic matter and nutrients by promoting microbial activity, preserving fertility and avoiding water and wind erosion.
Soil Health: Using technology that supports regenerative agriculture and management practices that achieve higher yields and increase soil carbon stocks
Soil Health: Modern machinery provides production data allowing for improved management of inputs and fertilizers for efficient decision making.
Climate Monitoring: Real-time weather monitoring and forecasting through modern weather stations allows for the optimization of tasks on the farm, while contributing to the correct application of phytosanitary products.
Comprehensive Crop Protection: Monitoring pests, diseases and weeds serves as a basis for comprehensive management, preventing pests and diseases from becoming resistant to phytosanitary products and promoting crop yield.
Thermal power plant, brick production and storage plant: The peanut shell left over from processing is recycled as a source of electricity generation that feeds the industrial plant itself, and generates additional energy for General Cabrera. Additionally, the ashes from energy production are used to make bricks.
Biological corridors and biodiversity: The installation of biological corridors improves habitats for the feeding and proliferation of pollinators and other beneficial insects.
Water protection: The effluents resulting from washing the spray equipment are collected for biological degradation in the Phytobac® system, avoiding contamination of the environment.
Good agricultural practices: Training on the use and calibration of application equipment, safe storage of supplies, and management of empty containers protects the health of workers and the environment.
Efficient use of irrigation water: The decision to use irrigation is based on soil moisture data, which, when supplemented with contour lines, prevents runoff and erosion.
Associations: Bayer ForwardFarming combines knowledge, experience, competencies and new technologies with its partners to promote the growth of agricultural activity successfully and sustainably.
Thermal power plant, brick production and storage plant: The peanut shell left over from processing is recycled as a source of electricity generation that feeds the industrial plant itself, and generates additional energy for General Cabrera. Additionally, the ashes from energy production are used to make bricks.

Quality seeds: The selection of high-quality seeds adapted to the geographical and climatic conditions of the region allows for excellent yields.

Soil Health: Crop rotation, contour lines and periodic soil analysis allow for the optimization of organic matter and nutrients by promoting microbial activity, preserving fertility and avoiding water and wind erosion.

Regenerative Agricultural Technology: Using technology that supports regenerative agriculture and management practices that achieve higher yields and increase soil carbon stocks

Precision Agriculture: Modern machinery provides production data allowing for improved management of inputs and fertilizers for efficient decision making.

Climate Monitoring: Real-time weather monitoring and forecasting through modern weather stations allows for the optimization of tasks on the farm, while contributing to the correct application of phytosanitary products.

Comprehensive Crop Protection: Monitoring pests, diseases and weeds serves as a basis for comprehensive management, preventing pests and diseases from becoming resistant to phytosanitary products and promoting crop yield.

Thermal power plant, brick production and storage plant: The peanut shell left over from processing is recycled as a source of electricity generation that feeds the industrial plant itself, and generates additional energy for General Cabrera. Additionally, the ashes from energy production are used to make bricks.

Biological corridors and biodiversity: The installation of biological corridors improves habitats for the feeding and proliferation of pollinators and other beneficial insects.

Water protection: The effluents resulting from washing the spray equipment are collected for biological degradation in the Phytobac® system, avoiding contamination of the environment.

Good agricultural practices: Training on the use and calibration of application equipment, safe storage of supplies, and management of empty containers protects the health of workers and the environment.

Efficient use of irrigation water: The decision to use irrigation is based on soil moisture data, which, when supplemented with contour lines, prevents runoff and erosion.

Associations: Bayer ForwardFarming combines knowledge, experience, competencies and new technologies with its partners to promote the growth of agricultural activity successfully and sustainably.

Prodeman Innovation

At Prodeman, we share the commitment to promote more sustainable agriculture together with Bayer. Through this alliance, we work to reduce the climate footprint of our agricultural activities, minimize the environmental impact of crop protection, and empower small producers so they can increase their production and improve their living conditions. Together, we are advancing in each of these sustainability commitments and joining forces to achieve a positive impact on the countryside and on the lives of those who depend on it.

Bayer ForwardFarming offers a tangible experience of how farmers practice regenerative agriculture around the world. Unique for its global reach, the Bayer ForwardFarming network serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and dialogue. ForwardFarmers deploy innovative technologies and best practices to improve productivity and soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to agriculture, minimize the environmental impact of crop protection, promote biodiversity, and conserve natural resources and water. In the ForwardFarms, progress towards Crop Science's sustainability commitments truly comes to life.



Matias J. Flynn

Issues Management · Bayer Cono Sur

Carlos Faricelli

Marketing and Innovation · Prodeman

Millantú Pizarro

Institutional Communication · Prodeman


Central and plant administration 54 - 358-4933500 National Route No. 158 Km 230 ½ General Cabrera - Córdoba Argentina - X5809AHP


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