We export to more than 40 countries

Bulk production

"Choose the best, we do it your way, with the quality that distinguishes us."

Mars, Incorporated is one of the largest and most diversified private food companies in the world, founded in 1911 by Frank C. Mars in Tacoma, Washington. The company is mainly known for its confectionery brands such as M&M's, Snickers, Twix and Milky Way.

Intersnack is one of the leading European companies in the production and distribution of snacks, founded in 1995 and based in Düsseldorf, Germany. The company specializes in a wide variety of snack products, including fries, popcorn, nuts, and other salty snacks.

SPARS is an international chain of supermarkets and convenience stores, founded in 1932 by Adriaan van Well in the Netherlands. It stands out for its focus on the freshness and quality of its products, offering a wide range of fresh foods, local products and items of own brand.

White brand
White brand
Productos, Mani king
Your brand, our product
We can package products for a generic Brand and label them in any language, according to the required specifications. In addition, we develop products based on the needs and requests of consumers. Producers and exporters of Argentine Peanut 30 years in the international market and 10 years supplying the national market. We offer an overcoming proposal by studying and understanding the objective of our clients' private brand.
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The company was the flag bearer of Argentine peanuts at the world's largest food fair held in Paris.
Central and plant administration 54 - 358-4933500
ventasexpo@prodeman.com.ar National Route No. 158 Km 230 ½ General Cabrera - Córdoba Argentina - X5809AHP
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