You will discover the purpose, the long-term goals, and the fundamental principles that guide Prodeman.
Explore Prodeman's key milestones and evolution from its inception to an industry benchmark.
Discover the book that narrates Prodeman's career, highlighting the most significant moments and the people who have marked our history.
Request a personalized experience with your institution to learn more about our company, discover our facilities and learn about our processes and values.
Learn about our agricultural practices, from primary production to innovation in crop management.
Explore our industrial operations, focused on the transformation and processing of products with the highest quality standards.
Here you will find the different ways to collaborate with us as contractor, landlord or handler. Access our payment schedule and the supplier registration form.
Check current job opportunities and join our team to boost your career at Prodeman.
Upload your resume and join our team. We are looking for talents who want to grow with us.
Our renewable energy solutions and commitment to sustainability through OC Bio.
Discover our alliance with Bayer to promote sustainable and cutting-edge agricultural practices in peanut production.
Learn about our initiatives and commitments for sustainable development, integrating responsible practices throughout the value chain. specializes in Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), optimizing procurement and supplier interactions.
Fill out the form to register.
Payment schedule shows key deadlines for submitting receipts and corresponding payment dates.
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